If you don't find the answer to your question, please get in touch with your implementation specialist and they will assist you.
FAQs on Token
Q1. How to automate the lifecycle of auth tokens?
For the first time, you will generate the access and refresh token from the admin dashboard. This process is detailed here. This access token is valid for 15 days and the refresh token is valid for 30 days.
Within this 15 days period, you can do Access Token generation from Refresh Token. It will give you a new valid token for the next 15 days. This process is detailed here.
To check how much time your token has before it dies, Use this guide here
If you miss refreshing your token within 15 days and it expires, you can still do Access Token generation from Refresh Token in the next 15 days.
The only time you need to do STEP 2 - Authorization Request + STEP 3 - Token Exchange again is when you failed to regenerate the access token and lose your refresh token.
We would suggest for this super rare situation, you can automate the process by creating a single-page app. Which takes care of STEP 2 - Authorization Request + STEP 3 - Token Exchange and stores the access token and refresh token somewhere, where it can be used for APIs. This is not required but recommended.
FAQs on Stock
Q. Do you store a prepaid digital stock of NON - API Vendors?
Yes, we do store a prepaid digital stock of NON - API Vendors, based on basic customer projections and our past experience. In case some of these are exhausted it takes 3/4 working days to refill. If it's a popular brand we store it from 50-100 prepaid stocks and if it's an average brand we store around 5-10 prepaid stocks.
Q. Do you have an API that enables us to check your real-time prepaid stock?
No, We don’t have such API.
Q. What happens if you run out of prepaid stock and how is this handled? and How long does it take to resupply?
Case 1 - When a request is sent and Plum fulfills the request immediately, In this case, the response we give is "Success=1, Link + Code/pin for the request"
Case 2 - When a request is sent and if Plum could not fulfill the request immediately, we put the order into Pending, In this case, the response we give is "Success=1, Link in the request" (there will be no Code/pin)
Case 3 - When a request is sent and if Plum did not fulfill/not able to fulfill the order, In this case, the response we give is "Success = 0" (there will no Link or Code/pin in response)
We run a code for every half an hour to check the supply, at a max level it can take up to 7 days.
Q. Does your new API have a unique error message for out-of-stock orders?
Yes - PLE10024: "Vouchers are out of stock".
FAQs on Orders
Q. Are there any webhooks which provide the update on change in order status in case of delayed order ?
Yes, you can implement webhooks to get the updated status of an order. You can refer to this. link
Q. Can we use the same PO Number again?
For the canceled order, you can send the same PO Number again. But once an order is successful, the same poNumber will generate an error.
Q. What are the different values expected in orderStatus and type?
If you receive a response, orderStatus will always be "completed" while the deliveryStatus could be either "Canceled", "Pending" or "Delivered".
Q. How do we handle the use case of a missed response?
You can always send the poNumber through the GetOrderDetails API which should get you the same order's response in the exact same format as the PlaceOrder API.
Q. What are the types of responses one can expect while placing orders via API?
The Plum catalog has 4 types of products:
Gift card with code
Gift card with code + Pin
Gift card with URL
Gift cards with URL + Pins
In all the mentioned three cases redemption process will be the same. the end-user has to avail of the gift card at the relevant merchant website. The “How & where to use” field which you see in the GET LISTING API will provide you these details. case 1 - The recipient has to use the CODE alone to avail the gift card on the merchant website case 2 - The recipient has to use the CODE & PIN to avail the gift card on the merchant website case 3 - The recipient has to use the URL to add the amount into the recipient’s merchant wallet or from the URL recipient will get the code to avail the gift card in the merchant website (it depends on gift card products
How response will look like
For code: only voucherCode field will have value in the response.
For codePin: voucherCode and pin both will have value.
For URL: voucherCode field will have a valid URL in response.
For URL+pin: voucherCode field will have both a valid URL and pin in response.
Q. What happens if duplicate payloads are sent?
Plum does not handle duplicate payloads presently. Any order which is sent into Plum will be processed immediately.
Q. What time zone is the time stamp in order details?
The default time zone is in IST format. If you want to store this information on your end in the time zone you want, you can convert it and store it.
FAQs on Staging / Production
Q. How do the Staging Sandbox environments mirror the Production environment?
Currently, the staging environments mirror the production Environment workflow, but differences occur with regard to the following:
Client ID and Secret ID will differ
The number of products and denominations available in staging is limited. In Production, you will have access to the full catalog
Q. What is the Plum Deployment Schedule?
Plum has a zero-downtime deployment. Should you run into any issues, please reach out to your implementation manager with the environment, API request, error response, and time.
Q. Does Plum throttle API requests in any manner?
Plum platform will throttle application clients sending more than 5,000 requests/second. If you have a use case that requires a higher limit, please reach out to your implementation manager.
Q. How is the redirect_uri handled in staging and production?
In staging, the redirect_uri is relaxed which means you can use any uri in the URL as well as the API as long as they are the same (url encoded in the url). In production, there can be multiple ur specific uri that will work for the redirection part since the redirect_url there will not be relaxed.
Misc FAQs
Q. Will there be any notification if any gift cards are removed or are unavailable?
You can use GetVouchers API to check the latest status of a voucher. We don't send any notifications.
Q. How are you applying exchange rates to the gift cards? I noticed there's an exchange rate rule in the API. Is this applied at the point of sending the gift card, or when it is claimed? Or is that something we can control on our side?
Yes, there is an exchange rate applicable for every purchase. Plum retrieves the exchange rates from currencylayer.com every 24 hours. This exchange rate is used at the time of placing the order. In the order response, we provide the applied exchange rate for that specific order.
Q. What happens if the gift card is temporarily unavailable? Is there some type of notification to us?
Plum will send notification emails to all super admins of Rewards API clients regarding any gift card unavailability. These notifications will be triggered every 24 hours and will include a list of affected products and any changes that occurred. This will help keep admins informed about catalog updates, which were previously difficult to track.
Q. Is the product image resizing possible in the listing API?
Yes, since we are hosting images in Cloudinary, we support the ability to resize the images.
One can add width and height parameters in the image URL to make it into the required size. Please refer to the below URL as an example. https://res.cloudinary.com/dyyjph6kx/image/upload/w_300,h_300/gift_vouchers/php5B2iD8_xigpa9.jpg
Q. Will Plum notify us in case a product is Enabled/Disabled/Denomination changes?
Plum will be sending notification emails to all super admins of Plum pro clients detailing Product and denomination updates. This notification will be triggered once in 24hrs, in the notification, we will be giving the list of products & changes that happened to it. This will keep them informed of any changes in the catalogue which was previously tedious to track.
Q. How does Plum handle History Tracking?
Plum does not publish History via the API – this information is, however, recorded within the platform and can be requested if required.