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Funding the Account

Learn about adding funds to your account.

Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 2 months ago

To place an order via the API, you need to add funds to your account. These funds will be deducted as you place orders via Rewards API

For International Clients:

On Plum, this can be achieved by logging in to the Plum dashboard, Navigating to the recharge tab as shown below:

  1. Click on the Add Funds option from the Menu bar to recharge your Plum Account.

  2. Enter the Amount to be recharged and the mobile number.

3. Click on Add Funds to the wallet after filling in the necessary details.

Modes of payment available:

  • Credit/Debit Card

  • Use the below card details to add funds to your account.

Details for adding funds in the staging environment (Non-Europe & UK Region)

Card Number: 5123 4567 8901 2346 Card Name: test db CVV: 123 Expiry: 05/2025.

Post entering the card details,

  1. You will be redirected to a page with the title "AXIS SIMULATOR" asking for an OTP. Please enter the OTP as 123456 and hit the submit button.

  2. This should add the entered amount to your balance and you will be ready to place orders.

Details for adding funds in the staging environment (Europe & UK Region)

Card Number: 4111 1111 1111 1111 Card Name: test db CVV: 100 Expiry: 05/2025.

Post entering the card details,

  1. You will be redirected to a page with the title "AXIS SIMULATOR" asking for an OTP. Please enter the OTP as 123456 and hit the submit button.

  2. This should add the entered amount to your balance and you will be ready to place orders.

For Indian Clients:

On Plum, this can be achieved by logging in to the Plum dashboard, Navigating to the recharge tab as shown below:

  1. Click on the Recharge option from the Menu bar to recharge your Plum Account.

  2. Enter the Amount to be recharged and the mobile number.

3. Click on Add Funds to the wallet after filling in the necessary details.

Modes of payment available:

a. Online Transfer and b. Offline Bank Transfer

Net Banking

  • Once, you click on "Proceed to Pay Online", you will be shown the below screen.

  • You need to select "Net Banking"

  • Select any bank from the list.

  • Click on "Pay Now" and you will be shown following screen. Click on "Success"

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