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Written by Admin
Updated over 2 months ago

This space gives a brief overview of the Xoxoday APIs to help you get familiar with the variety of options and best use case.

Xoxoday API reference documentation

Xoxoday’s developer platform is a core part of our mission to empower organizations to bake in rich rewarding experiences inside their application(s) and blitzkrieg growth and revenue.

Our APIs are designed to enable teams of any shape or size to build robust integrations that help them customize and get the most value out of Xoxoday.

All Xoxoday APIs are built using REST conventions and designed to have a predictable URL structure. They use many standard HTTP features, including methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) and error response codes.

All Xoxoday API calls are made under and all responses return standard JSON.

Types for Integration

With Xoxoday you the option to best choose your integration approch to set you up for success. Xoxoday offers variety of options and approaches to integrate by allowing you to choose what's best for your use-case. Below are the options available for you to explore. You can also setup a call to discuss in detail and we can help you get familiar as well.


This option is the best if you wish to GET vocher catalog and display inside your SaaS application. Below are some of the advantages you may want to consider Rewards API over other options:

👍Full control of the front-end and UI. Offers you the ability to fully customize and maintain a consistent look-and-feel inside your application.

👍Easy to use REST APIs to programmatically manage the end-to-end user experience

Marketplace Integration

With Xoxoday's Marketplace Integration, you can simply allow your users to be re-directed into Xoxoday's marketplace (aka storefront). Here you can simply provide SSO (Single Sign On) or SAML based authentication for your users to seamlessly login into Xoxoday's hosted Storefront.

Below are the advantages the Marketplace integration has to offer that you may want to consider:

👍Use your plantorm's native points engine to distribute points, while simply re-directing users onto Xoxoday's hosted Storefront to 'burn' their accrued points.

👍A simple SSO or SAML based authentication to provide your users with a seamless access to storefornt.

Once users land in the storefront, our system will consume your end-points to GET points accrued in your system, and as well as POST back the points spent (by users) on their reward catalog.

Setting up

Creating a Xoxoday account is the best way to start building integrations with Xoxoday. You'll need this account to perform different actions like Adding Funds, Managing Email templates, consuming reports on voucher history, etc. If not already, start by signing up for an account here:

📘Once you create an sandbox account Xoxoday in staging environment. You can test the APIs in the sandbox environment and make sure you get the intended output. We will also provide you the credit card details through which you can add virtual money to your sandbox account.

Getting up and Running 🏃‍♂️

First-up would have a sandbox account in our Staging environment to play around and get a feel for the APIs. If not already, start by signing up for an account here:

📘Xoxoday Environments:

Create a Sandbox account in staging from here:

Later, you can create a production account from here:

Quick check-list on what's next ⏭️

Our customers use Xoxoday’s API to manage millions of rewards delivered globally. We've designed the API so that all major functionality available via the web UI is available here.

Here's what to expect to successfully integrate with Xoxoday and enable your customers and or employees with great rewards within your platform.

  • Go through this space to get yourself acquainted with Xoxoday's APIs.

  • Get in touch with your account manager to help you with:

    • Any questions about the best integration approach & best practices

    • Work with you on the pricing

    • Demo on the platform and web user interface

As part of the process, we offer a very personalized onboarding experience to all our API customers, wherein an implementation specialist will work with you to help with the best practices and as well as answer any questions you may have.

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