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Signing Up/Logging In

How to Login/Signup to the Storefront?

Written by Rishabh Kumar
Updated over a month ago

To sign up in the Plum Storefront, please follow the steps below:

  • For Signing up, select the signup option from the accounts dropdown.

  • Provide necessary information such as name, email address, country etc to proceed with the signup process.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully signed up for Xoxoday Plum.

Note: Any users with a valid Xoxo Code need not have login credentials. During the checkout, continue as a guest user and redeem the Xoxo Code.

What if I forgot my Password?

  • A reset password link is sent to the email ID provided. Click on the link and set a password.

  • You will now be able to login into the portal with a new password.

How to log in for the first time?

First-time users, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to, click on the login page and select sign up and this opens the Sign-up form as below.

  • Enter the required information, such as your “Name”, “Email ID”, “Country Code for Phone Number”, and “Password”. You will receive an OTP to verify and you will be successfully signed up.

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